

name type required nillable description
uuid UUID true false The UUID for an entity.


name type nillable description
uuid UUID false The UUID for an entity.


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The UUID for an entity.


name type required nillable description
id int true false
The group’s legacy Id. This field always returns 0.
uuid WmUuidOutput true false The group’s UUID.
role WmRoleOutput true false The group’s role.
name string true false The group’s name.
shortname string true false
The abbreviated group name. This is a legacy field that always returns a blank value.
countryUuid WmUuidOutput false true The UUID for the country the group belongs to.


name type nillable description
groups WmGroupOutput[] false A list of groups.


name type required nillable description
slug string true false The identifying slug of a role.


name type required nillable description
slug string true false The identifying slug of a role.


name type required nillable description
groupID int true false See getGroups.

This is a legacy field that must be set to 0.
groupUuids WmUuidInput[] false true See getGroups.

A list of group UUIDs, which the user account will belong to. Only a single Group is currently supported.
countryUuids WmUuidInput[] false* true A list of country UUIDs, which the user account will belong to.

  • The first item on the list will be set as primary country.
  • Required for the national-manager Role slug and is invalid for all other Roles.
areaUuids WmUuidInput[] false* true A list of area UUIDs, which the user account will belong to.

  • The first item on the list will be set as primary area.
  • Required for the area-manager Role slug and is invalid for all other Roles.
storeUuids WmUuidInput[] false* true A list of store UUIDs, which the user account will belong to.

  • The first item on the list will be set as primary store.
  • Required for the general-manager, store-manager and employee Role slugs and is invalid for all other Roles.
username string true false An account username.

  • Must be unique (unless editing an account).
  • Must be alphanumeric and contain no spaces.
  • Must not be greater than 50 characters long.
password string false* false An account password.

  • Required only when adding a new account
  • Must meet the minimum required password length setting (in Account Settings).
person WmPersonInput true false An account’s user details such as first and last names.
active boolean false true Flag indicating if account is active/inactive.

  • Defaults to false.
language string false* true See getLanguages.

A language the account should use.

  • Defaults to primary country’s language.
  • Required if primary country contains more than 1 language.
positionName string false true A position name for the user.

  • Must not be greater than 50 characters long.
positionType string false* true See getPositions.

A position the account belongs to.

  • Required for the general-manager, store-manager and employee Role slugs and is invalid for all other Roles.
email string false* true A user’s email address.

  • Must be unique (unless editing an account).
  • Must not be greater than 100 characters long.
  • Required only when Email Required is enabled in Account Settings.
phone string false true A user’s phone contact number.

  • Must not be greater than 50 characters long.
  • There is no specific format required.
mobile string false true A user’s mobile contact number.

  • Must not be greater than 50 characters long.
  • There is no specific format required.
receiveEmails boolean false true Flag indicating if the account is allowed to receive emails.

  • If this is true, a user can receive platform emails, including a welcome email which will be sent automatically to the email provided (if the welcome email template is enabled).
  • If this is false, a user will not receive any platform emails. User Email Opt Out setting must be enabled in the platform to disable receiving emails.
  • Defaults to true.
timezone string false true See getTimezones.

A timezone the account should use.

  • Defaults to store, area or country’s timezone, depending on provided groupID.
userDetailsUpdated boolean false true Flag that forces the user to update details.

  • false to force.
  • Defaults to false.
userPasswordUpdated boolean false true Flag that forces the user to update password.

  • false to force.
  • Defaults to false.
workStartDate string false* true Start date for the user.

  • Format must be ISO 8601.
  • Required for the area-manager, general-manager, store-manager and employee Role slugs and is invalid for all other Roles.
customFields WmCustomFieldRecordInput[] false true A list of custom fields to set for the account.
customFiles WmCustomFieldFileInput[] false true A list of custom field files to set for the account.


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The account’s UUID.
groupId int false See getGroups.

Legacy group field. This field is set to 0.
groupUuids WmUuidOutput[] false See getGroups.

A list of group UUIDs for the groups the user account belongs to.
countryUuids WmUuidOutput[] false A list of country UUIDs for the countries the user account belongs to.

The first item on the list is the user’s primary country.
areaUuids WmUuidOutput[] false A list of area UUIDs for the areas the user account belongs to.

The first item on the list is the user’s primary area.
storeUuids WmUuidOutput[] false A list of store UUIDs for the stores the user account belongs to.

The first item on the list is the user’s primary store.
username string false The account username.
person WmPersonOutput false The account’s user details such as first and last names.
active boolean false Flag indicating if the account is active/inactive.
archived boolean false Flag indicating if the account is active/inactive.
language string false See getLanguages.

The language the account uses.
positionName string true The user’s position name.
positionType string false See getPositions.

The position the account belongs to.
email string true The user’s email address.
phone string true The user’s phone contact number.
mobile string true The user’s mobile contact number.
receiveEmails boolean false Flag indicating if the account is allowed to receive emails.
timezone WmTimezoneOutput false See getTimezones.

The timezone the account uses.
userDetailsUpdated boolean false Flag that forces user to update details.
userPasswordUpdated boolean false Flag that forces user to updated password.
workStartDate string true Start date for the user in ISO 8601 format.
createdAt string false Date-time the user was created in the UTC timezone using ISO 8601 formatting.
updatedAt string false Date-time the user was last updated in the UTC timezone using ISO 8601 formatting.


name type nillable description
account WmAccountOutput false A single account.


name type nillable description
accounts WmAccountsOutput[] false A list of accounts.


name type required nillable description
title WmPersonTitle false true A Person’s title.

  • Must not be longer than 16 characters.
firstName string true false A Person’s first name.

  • Must not be longer than 64 characters.
middleName string false true A Person’s middle names.

  • Must not be longer than 64 characters.
lastName string true false A Person’s last name.

  • Must not be longer than 64 characters.
nickname string false true A Person’s nickname.

  • Must not be longer than 64 characters.
displayName string false true The name displayed on the profile panels.

  • Must not be longer than 64 characters.



field description
MR Mister, An English language honorific for men
MRS An English language honorific usually used only for married women
MISS An English language honorific traditionally used only for an unmarried woman
MS A default form of address for women regardless of their marital status
DR Doctor
PROF Professor
REV Reverend


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The country’s UUID.
name string false The country’s name.
languages string[] false A list of languages available to the country.
timezone WmTimezoneOutput false The timezone the country uses.


name type nillable description
countries WmCountryOutput[] false A list of countries.


name type required nillable description
name string true false A name for the area.

  • Must be unique (unless editing an area).
  • Must not be greater than 100 characters long.
countryUuid WmUuidInput true false A UUID of a country the area will belong to.
timezone string false true See getTimezones.

A timezone the area should use.

  • Defaults to provided country’s timezone


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The area’s UUID.
name string false The area’s name.
countryUuid WmUuidOutput false The UUID of the country the area belongs to.
timezone WmTimezoneOutput false The timezone the area uses.


name type nillable description
area WmAreaOutput false A single area.


name type nillable description
areas WmAreaOutput[] false A list of areas.


name type required nillable description
areaUuid WmUuidInput true false The UUID of an area the store will belong to.

  • The Country will automatically be determined from field.
name string true false A name for the store.

  • Must be unique (unless editing a store).
  • Must not be greater than 100 characters long.
email string false true An email address.

  • Must not be greater than 100 characters long.
phone string false true A phone contact number.

  • Must not be greater than 100 characters long.
address string false* true An address.

  • Must not be greater than 255 characters long.
  • Required when showMap is true and suburb, state or postcode and geocode aren’t provided.
  • Required only when Location Address Required is enabled in Location Settings.
suburb string false* true A suburb for the address.

  • Must not be greater than 56 characters long.
  • Required when showMap is true and address, state or postcode and geocode aren’t provided.
  • Required only when Location Address Required is enabled in Location Settings.
state string false* true A state for the address.

  • Must not be greater than 24 characters long.
  • Required when showMap is true and address, suburb or postcode and geocode aren’t provided.
  • Required only when Location Address Required is enabled in Location Settings.
postcode string false* true A postcode for the address.

  • Must not be greater than 8 characters long.
  • Required when showMap is true and address, suburb, or state and geocode aren’t provided.
  • Required only when Location Address Required is enabled in Location Settings.
contactName string false true A contact name.

  • Must not be greater than 56 characters long.
contactPosition string false true The contact’s position.

  • Must not be greater than 56 characters long.
fax string false true A fax number.

  • Must not be greater than 100 characters long.
mobile string false true A mobile contact number.

  • Must not be greater than 24 characters long.
showMap boolean false true Whether to display the address on a googlemap or not.

  • Defaults to false.
  • geocode or one of the address fields (address, suburb, state, postcode) must be provided if this is set to true.
  • The provided address information must be valid.
geocode string false* true A string representation of a latitude/longitude coordinate. Use this to override auto geocoding.

  • Must be in format “latitude,longitude” – eg “-33.8706,151.2059”.
  • Can only be provided when showMap is true.
  • Required when showMap is true and address, suburb, postcode and state aren’t provided.
locationType string false true See getLocationInfo('type')

A location info of type type.

  • Allowed only if Location Type is enabled in settings.
locationPlacement string false true See getLocationInfo('location')

A location info of type location.

  • Allowed only if Location Type is enabled in settings.
locationConcept string false true See getLocationInfo('concept')

A location info of type concept.

  • Allowed only if Location Type is enabled in settings.
ownershipType string false true See getLocationInfo('ownership')

A location info of type ownership.

  • Allowed only if Location Type is enabled in settings.
timezone string false true See getTimezones

A timezone the store should use.

  • Defaults to the provided areas timezone.
customFields WmCustomFieldRecordInput[] false true A list of custom fields to set for the store.
customFiles WmCustomFieldFileInput[] false true A list of custom field files to set for the store.


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The store’s UUID.
countryUuid WmUuidOutput false The UUID of the country the store belongs to.
areaUuid WmUuidOutput false The UUID of the area the store belongs to.
name string false The store’s name.
email string true The store’s email address.
phone string true The store’s phone contact number.
address string true The store’s address.
suburb string true The suburb of the store address.
state string true The state of the store address.
postcode string true The postcode of the store address.
contactName string true The contact’s name.
contactPosition string true The contact’s position.
fax string true The store’s fax number.
mobile string true The store’s mobile contact number.
showMap boolean false Flag indicating whether the address is displayed on a googlemap or not.
geocode string true A string representation of a geocoded latitude/longitude coordinate.
locationType string true The location info for type type.
locationPlacement string true The location info for type location.
locationConcept string true The location info for type concept.
ownershipType string true The location info for type ownership.
timezone WmTimezoneOutput false The UUID of the area the store belongs to.


name type nillable description
store WmStoreOutput false A single store.


name type nillable description
stores WmStoreOutput[] false A list of stores.


name type required nillable description
roles WmRoleInput[] false true Valid role inputs.
groupUuids WmUuidOutput[] false true Valid account group UUIDs.
locationUuids WmUuidOutput[] false true UUIDs of existing countries, areas, or stores.
isActive boolean false true FALSE — inactive (disabled)
TRUE — active

By default returns all.
updatedSince string false true A date/time string in ISO 8601 format.


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The datafield’s UUID.
name string false The datafield’s name.
dataType int false The datafield’s type.
dataTypeName string false The datafield’s data type. Can be text, textbox, checkbox, dropdown, file or date.
validValues string[] false A list of valid values for a dropdown custom field.
Data Type Field Type Valid Values
1 Text String (max length of 500)
2 Text Box String (max length of 216-1)
3 Checkbox 1, 0, true, false
4 Dropdown Drop down list options for the custom field
6 Date
  • dd-MM-YYYY
  • dd/MM/YYYY
  • YYYY-MM-dd
  • YYYY/MM/dd


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false UUID of an existing user account or store.
fields WmCustomFieldRecordOutput[] false A list of custom fields.
files WmCustomFieldFileOutput[] false A list of custom field files.


name type nillable description
customFields WmCustomFieldRecordOutput[] false A list of custom fields.
customFiles WmCustomFieldFileOutput[] false A list of custom field files.



name type nillable description
dataField WmDataFieldOutput[] false A single datafield.


name type required nillable description
uuid WmUuidInput true false A UUID of a Custom Field.

  • Custom Field’s data type must be text, textbox, checkbox, dropdown, or date.
value string true false A valid value to set for the Custom Field.

For valid values see WmCustomFieldRecordOutput.


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The Custom Field’s UUID.
fieldName string false

The Custom Field’s name.
value string true The value assigned to the Custom Field (if there is one set for the entity).
dataType int false

The Custom Field’s data type. For valid values see the table below.


name type required nillable description
uuid WmUuidInput true false A UUID of a Custom Field.

  • Custom Field’s type must be file.
fileName string true false A filename for the file.

  • Must be in the format filename.extension. e.g – animage.jpg
  • Filename portion must not be longer than 130 characters.
content string true false Encoded file content.
contentEncoding string false false Currently only support base64 encode.


name type nillable description
uuid WmUuidOutput false The Custom Field’s UUID.
fieldName string false

The Custom Field’s name.
fileName string true The file name provided (including extension).
fileSize string true The size of the file.
content string true Encoded file content (if there is a file).
contentEncoding string false The Encoding used.
  • Custom field file is just a particular type of custom field record to store upload file name and file content.
  • Content encoding only accepts base64 in version 2; additional encoding might be implemented in future version.
  • Supported file extensions include: gif, jpg, png, swf, flv, mp4, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx, xls, xlsx, xlsm, pub, mpp, prj, mpxj, pdf.


name type nillable description
name string false A user-friendly name for a timezone. e.g ⎯ (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney.
value string false The value of the timezone, which is used in various inputs/outputs (such as WmAccountInput, WmAccountOutput).


name type nillable description
timezones WmTimezoneOutput[] false A list of timezones.


name type nillable description
text string false A simple message returned from the server.


name type nillable description
options string[] false A list of location infos.


name type nillable description
languages string[] false A list of languages.


name type nillable description
positions string[] false A list of positions.


name type nillable description
code int false See Error Glossary for a list of codes.
message string false See Error Glossary for a list of messages.


name type nillable description
errors WmError false A list of errors.