1 |
Server error |
When the SOAP request has produced an internal server error. |
2 |
Unable to read the SOAP response |
When the server cannot marshal an object from the server-side. |
3 |
Unable to read the SOAP request |
When the server cannot unmarshal a SOAP request from the client. |
4 |
Invalid data: {message} |
When the request contains invalid data. |
19 |
Country was not found: {country} |
When the country supplied was not found. |
20 |
Country was not supplied |
When there was no country supplied. |
21 |
Area was not found: {area} |
When the area supplied was not found. |
22 |
Area was not supplied |
When there was no area supplied. |
23 |
Store was not found: {store} |
When the store supplied was not found. |
24 |
Store was not supplied |
When there was no store supplied. |
27 |
Code was not supplied |
When there was no location (country/area/store) code supplied. |
28 |
Invalid code |
When the supplied location (country/area/store) code contains invalid characters. |
30 |
Code already exists |
When the supplied location (country/area/store) code is already in use. |
31 |
Name was not supplied |
When there was no area/store/account name supplied. |
33 |
Name already exists |
When the supplied location (country/area/store) name is already in use for that region. |
34 |
Invalid account group |
When the supplied account group ID does not match any of the valid account group ID’s. |
45 |
Username was not supplied |
When there was no account username supplied. |
48 |
Password was not supplied |
When there was no account password supplied. |
49 |
Timezone was not found |
When the timezone supplied was not found. |
52 |
Address value is too long |
When the store address supplied contains more than 255 characters. |
53 |
Suburb value is too long |
When the store suburb supplied contains more than 56 characters. |
54 |
State value is too long |
When the store state supplied contains more than 24 characters. |
55 |
Postcode value is too long |
When the store postcode supplied contains more than 8 characters. |
58 |
Invalid geocode |
When the supplied store address details could not be geocoded. |
59 |
Complete address was not supplied |
When the complete store address (address, city, state and postcode) is required but not supplied. |
63 |
Location type was not found |
When the location type supplied was not found. |
64 |
Location placement was not found |
When the location placement supplied was not found. |
65 |
Location concept was not found |
When the location concept supplied was not found. |
66 |
Location ownership was not found |
When the location ownership supplied was not found. |
69 |
Location type field is not enabled |
When location type is not enabled, but was supplied. See location settings in system configuration. |
70 |
Location placement is not enabled |
When location placement is not enabled, but was supplied. See location settings in system configuration. |
71 |
Location concept is not enabled |
When location concept is not enabled, but was supplied. See location settings in system configuration. |
72 |
Location ownership is not enabled |
When location ownership is not enabled, but was supplied. See location settings in system configuration. |
73 |
Contact name value is too long |
When the store contact supplied contains more than 56 characters. |
74 |
Contact position value is too long |
When the store position supplied contains more than 56 characters. |
75 |
Fax value is too long |
When the fax supplied contains more than 24 characters. |
78 |
Cannot change country |
When trying to change a country for an area or store. |
79 |
The supplied stores or areas must belong to the same country |
When attempting to supply multiple stores or areas that don’t belong to the same country. |
81 |
Multi-stores are not allowed for this account group |
When attempting to supply multiple stores for an account group that does not allow it. |
83 |
Name value is too long |
When the account name supplied contains more than 194 characters or when the store/area name supplied contains more than 100 characters. |
84 |
Email was not supplied |
When the email is required but not supplied. |
85 |
Invalid email |
When the supplied email address has an invalid format. |
86 |
Position type was not found |
When the positionType supplied was not found. |
87 |
Position name value is too long |
When the position name supplied contains more than 50 characters. |
88 |
Phone value is too long |
When the phone number supplied contains more than 50 characters. |
90 |
Language was not found |
When the language supplied was not found. |
91 |
Invalid section type |
When the supplied section type must be either type , concept , ownership or placement . |
93 |
Invalid area and/or country |
When the supplied area was not found in the supplied country. |
94 |
Code is not enabled |
When code is not enabled, but was supplied. See location settings in system configuration. |
95 |
Invalid username |
When the supplied username is invalid. |
96 |
Username already exists |
When the supplied username is already in use. |
102 |
Account group is not active |
When trying to use an account group that is not available to the supplied country. |
104 |
Mobile value is too long |
When the store mobile number supplied contains more than 50 characters or when the accounts mobile number supplied contains more than 24 characters. |
108 |
Position type was not supplied |
When the position type is required but not supplied. |
109 |
Invalid geocode |
When the supplied geocode is not in the format of lat,lng. |
111 |
Address or geocode was not supplied |
When supplying a flag to show the address on a map without supplying any address information. |
112 |
Invalid language |
When supplying an inactive language for any of the accounts countries. |
113 |
Invalid password |
When the password supplied does not meet the minimum required length. |
114 |
Invalid account group for store |
When supplying a store for any non-store specified account group. |
115 |
Invalid account group for country |
When supplying a country for a non-national account group. |
116 |
Invalid account group for area |
When supplying an area for a non-area account group. |
120 |
Invalid custom field file content for the supplied encoding: {template} |
When supplying invalid content for the selected encoding type. |
121 |
Custom field was not found: {template} |
When a supplied custom field was not found. |
122 |
Invalid work start date |
When the supplied work start date has an invalid format. |
123 |
Invalid account group for work start date |
When attempting to supply a work start date for an account group that is not Role slug area-manager , general-manager , store-manager or employee . |
125 |
Account was not found |
When the account supplied was not found. |
127 |
Account hasn’t been deactivated |
When attempting to send an exit interview to an active account. |
128 |
Account doesn’t have an email address |
When attempting to send an exit interview to an account without an email. |
129 |
Exit interviews sending is disabled |
When attempting to send an exit interview when it is disabled. |
130 |
Account does not have a targeted exit interview |
When attempting to send an exit interview to an account without an active survey available. |
131 |
Insufficient store permissions |
When attempting to send an exit interview to an account with insufficient store permissions. |
134 |
Exit Interview has already been sent to the account |
When trying to send an exit interview to an account which already has had one sent. |
135 |
Account identifier was not supplied |
When not supplying an account identifier. |
136 |
Location was not found: {location} |
When the supplied location identifier was not found. |
137 |
Custom field UUID was not supplied |
When there was no custom field UUID supplied. |
138 |
Code value is too long |
When the supplied code contains more than 24 characters. |
139 |
Contact number was not supplied |
When a contact number (phone/mobile/fax) is required but not supplied. |
140 |
Custom field is inactive: {template} |
When trying to update data for a custom field that is not active. |
141 |
Custom field file basename {basename} for the filename is too long: {template} |
When supplying a filename that contains a basename that contains more than 24 characters. |
142 |
Custom field text is too long: {template} |
When supplying text that contains more than 500 characters for a text custom field. |
143 |
Username value is too long |
When supplying a username that contains more than 50 characters. |
144 |
Email value is too long |
When supplying an email address that contains more than 100 characters. |
146 |
Duplicate country supplied |
When a duplicate country is supplied when attempting to create a multi-country account. |
147 |
Duplicate area supplied |
When a duplicate area is supplied when attempting to create a multi-area account. |
148 |
Duplicate store supplied |
When a duplicate store is supplied when attempting to create a multi-store account. |
149 |
Unsupported file encoding {encoding} : {template} |
When an unsupported encoding is supplied. |
150 |
Invalid custom field datatype: {template} |
When supplying a custom field that is not supported (eg. supplying date custom field as file custom field). |
151 |
Invalid custom field filename {filename} : {template} |
When the supplied filename is not valid or supported. |
152 |
Invalid custom field dropdown value {value} : {template} |
When a supplied dropdown value cannot be determined. |
153 |
Invalid custom field checkbox value {value} : {template} |
When a supplied checkbox value cannot be determined. |
154 |
Invalid custom field date value {value} : {template} |
When a supplied date value is an invalid format for date custom fields. |
155 |
Can only supply either country UUID’s or codes |
When supplying both country UUID’s and codes. |
156 |
Can only supply either area UUID’s or codes |
When supplying both area UUID’s and codes. |
157 |
Can only supply either store UUID’s or codes |
When supplying both store UUID’s and codes. |
158 |
Custom field is not targeted to the account: {template} |
When supplying custom field data for a custom field not targeted to the account. |
159 |
Custom field is not targeted to the store: {template} |
When supplying custom field data for a custom field not targeted to the store. |
160 |
Filename and content must be supplied together: {template} |
When supplying only filename or content for a file custom field. |
161 |
Custom field file extension {extension} is too long: {template} |
When supplying a filename that contains an extension that contains more than 4 characters. |
162 |
Custom field file extension {extension} is not allowed: {template} |
When supplying a filename that contains an extension that is not allowed. |
163 |
Work start date was not supplied |
When a work start date is required but not supplied. |
164 |
Invalid account group for position type |
When attempting to supply a position type for an account that is not Role slug general-manager , store-manager or employee . |
165 |
Cannot set receive emails to false. User Email Opt Out is disabled |
When trying to disable receive emails for a user when User Email Opt Out is disabled. See account settings in system configuration |
166 |
Cannot provide geocode when show map is not enabled |
When attempting to supply a custom geocode when show map is not enabled. |
167 |
Password value is too long |
When the password supplied contains more than 50 characters. |
168 |
Geocode value cannot be verified |
When supplying custom geocode coordinates that could not be geocoded. |
169 |
Language was not supplied |
When the language is required but not supplied. |
170 |
Invalid page |
When supplying an invalid page value (negative, zero or too high). |
171 |
Custom field textbox is too long: {template} |
When supplying text that contains more than 65535 characters for a textbox custom field. |
172 |
First Name was not supplied |
When a First Name is required but not supplied. |
173 |
First Name value is too long |
When First Name supplied contains more that 64 characters. |
174 |
Middle Name value is too long |
When Middle Name supplied contains more that 64 characters. |
175 |
Last Name was not supplied |
When a Last Name is required but not supplied. |
176 |
Last Name value is too long |
When Last Name supplied contains more that 64 characters. |
177 |
Nickname value is too long |
When Nickname supplied contains more that 64 characters. |
178 |
Display Name value is too long |
When Display Name supplied contains more that 64 characters. |
179 |
Invalid Timestamp |
When a supplied timestamp is of an invalid format. |
180 |
The following uuids are invalid: {uuids} |
When one or more uuids supplied are invalid. |
181 |
Account group was not found: {groupUuid} |
When the account group supplied was not found. |
182 |
Account group is invalid: {groupUuid} |
When the account group supplied is invalid. |
183 |
Duplicate account group supplied |
When a duplicate account group is supplied. |
184 |
Multiple account groups supplied |
When multiple account groups are supplied. |
185 |
Account groups with different roles supplied |
When multiple account groups with different roles are supplied. |
186 |
GroupId or GroupUuids field must be supplied |
When groupID and groupUuids are both supplied or neither are. |
187 |
Role was not found: {role} |
When the role supplied was not found. |